If you’re concerned about your windows affecting the temperature of your home, you’re on the right track. It’s a well-known fact that windows make homes vulnerable to outside weather, letting in heat from the summer sun or allowing it to escape on cold winter nights. The effect is not only uncomfortable temperatures in rooms with uncovered windows but also increased energy bills, as your air conditioners or heaters have to work overtime. That’s why it’s smart to consider the insulating capabilities of your window treatments, especially if you live in places with large shifts in seasonal temperatures or have large windows throughout your home.
When it comes to insulating window treatments, there are a lot of options, but a few that stand out from the pack. Cellular shades are popular, as they hold in warm air with larger folded pleats. Insulated curtains are another option, as they can be lined with thicker fabric that keeps out the cold. Yet another, sometimes overlooked, solution for windows that need insulating are custom drapes.
Though there are obvious similarities between curtains and drapes, there are a few key differences between the two styles that make a big difference when it comes to insulation. Here are a few details of customized drapes that can make them a better alternative to insulated curtains.
With high quality drapes, you are allowed more design choices and flexibility for your home. From measurements to fabric color and weight, customization is the key to making your window coverings look exactly how you want them. Plus, given their ability to keep out light and extreme temperatures from the outside world, they’re a perfect alternative to insulated curtains for homeowners who want something with more quality and style. If you’re still uncertain what kind of window treatment will best insulate your home, schedule a free consultation with one of our design experts today.